Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Darn sister fighting everyone.

Don't blame other people if you lose your voice for Friday. It's your fault because you're the one that's yelling. My dad and sister are fighting. It's scary at first but then it goes on for like 20 minutes, so then I go on doing other stuff like blogging about it (still concious of the fight). They're fighting because my sister isn't getting any jobs. She believes after she does the interview that she won't get called back. She's lost hope and faith. She needs to turn to God. Or she needs to LISTEN TO WHAT HER PARENTS ARE SAYING. It's all beacuse of the failing economy that rips them apart. So tomorrow in NSL we're having an in-class party because it's Constitution Day. I'm bringing a bag of an assortment of chocolate bars and a bag jolly ranchers! I am stoked!

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