Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October 21st.

The saddest, most depressing day of the year that I have already foreseen. The Devil Wears Prada, Saoisin, Underoath, and some other band called P.O.S. is doing this tour. And on October 21st they will be coming to Ram's Head. It's ALL AGES and ONLY TWENTY FLIPPIN' DOLLARS! But I have a freakin' group song practice that day. Plus it's a school night. I am going to cry. Three out of four bands of my liking will be coming to Maryland. When I sing that day my voice will be so dour that I might as well not show up to practice that day. So my friend's other friend is trying to convince her to go to a Silverstein show. Silverstein's okay. I used to think they were awesome. But then after a while of listening to them and other screamo bands, I decided Silverstein sucked. Especially the screaming. It's horrible. Plus this is a better deal. 4 bands dude. How awesome is that?! It is the truth. The inexorable truth.

Another thing that has shocked me this morning is that there are only 15 people in the Philharmonia orchestra in PVYO. Only 3 second violins. This is sad... and a bit funny. Oh my gosh, I wonder what Symphony is going to be like.

Monday, September 29, 2008


What the heck! Seriously! I need to get these feelings out. I wish I could just let them out and scream it out as if no one was here in this house. I don't want to hide these feelings. These feelings are gradually killing me while I'm falling down the Ladder of the Gregarious. But when I let out these feelings, my mind and heart will go from gray to black. And my Spirit will die.


"Your friends and companions may seem a bit dour or depressed right now, but that does not mean you have to be moping around down in the dumps yourself. You can get out on your own for a little distracting fun or a special treat and that will boost your mood.""

That is amazingly true. Freakin' awesome! The past few days, I've been noticing these dour qualitities in people around me, particullarilly one person. But I don't see them in real life. I just talk to them online. But then again I don't really know what's going on in their life than what I could know if I ever saw this person in real life. And also, the way we speak in real life is no comparison to us talking to someone on the phone or online. Especially online when you can't literally even hear their voice. Yes, writers have a voice and we use connotation every day. But everything someone can say can be precieved in different ways. It's just amazing that there are so many possibilities that we can never fully grasp.

So the car ride or bike ride... or train ride, OR WHATEVER!, through life is going very smooth. I'm stumbling across minor bumps every now and then, but overall things are going absolutely amazing. I got a 4, the highest possible grade for a BCR in Biology, for my unit test. And I got an 100% (A) on my French quiz. Today was a half day and tomorrow there is no school! That is exciting. And today is even better because HEROES IS ON TONIGHT!!! I AM STOKED. Oh and Pajama day is today.

Labels seem useless. I don't know what I keep doing them. So from tomorrow onwards I will not fill in the "Labels for this post" section. I don't know why I said tomorrow onwards when I could very well start today but I don't care. (:

Friday, September 26, 2008


So Atlanta was fun. I fell in love with this one kid, who also fell in love with me because he heard me play violin. He's one year older than me. People there were so open and outgoing. Awesome experience.

Freshmen Hell Week began today. I haven't F'd anyone yet, but I'm thinking I want to. Today was Mix 'n' Match day. I did it and my outfit was awesome. Monday is Pajama day. I'm doing that too. Chance Thomas came to our school today. He's incredible. I shared sunships after school with my friend Maggie. I had two tests today: one in Biology and Algebra 2. Both of them were actually pretty easy. Today it was really cold and raining. In photography class, we did absolutely nothing.

During the presentation I was feeling kind of annoyed/uncomfortable because Cheezit moves too much. Even more than me. He's so annoying when he moves. D: I wanted to like slap him.

So, that was today.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Atlanta today.

Yup. Two days without a computer and a hair straightener.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The longer he's gone,

the shittier the days are. Now I have an annoying sister, stupid father, and nagging and abusive mother. I'm already pissed off that I can't go to school because I'm going to Atlanta. And I have to play violin in Atlanta so I have to bring my violin, which pisses me off even more. I hate this. I want to be back in school. My family is being so bitchy. You know, just because your monthly gift has opened, doesn't give you a reason to act like an effing bitch. I am not being ignorant because most people who have theirs, are nice. Or well the people that I hang around. I'm not a bitch when I get mine. Why can't they control themselves?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My dad finally admitted that he doesn't have money. He's borrowing. That comes as no surprise. I think he's like tearing up right now... You can hear his voice get all watery. Now that, my friend, is sad. WE HAVE NO MONEY. ): Idgaf that they're fighting. But now that the fact that we have no money is out there, hopefully they'll like get over themselves, stop insulting each other's intelligence, and put their egos aside to help one another.