Thursday, July 24, 2008

Too late for goals?

NEVER. I'M STARTING OVERRRR. I need to make a list of goals and priorities for myself. Hopefully I can carry these out. I think I'll start from small to big.

  • Learn new words everyday
  • Actually study and earn straight As for every class
  • Exercise
  • Obey my parents
  • Make new friends
  • Buy pocky sticks and tea
  • Stay off the computer
  • Be goal oriented
  • Eat less meat
  • Stop being afraid/believe in myself
  • Stop wallowing in self-pity/be content with what I have
I realize that that's a lot but I'll try and I will do these things be the end of this year. No pressure. ;)

Okay so I have a problem. My dreams are starting to freak me out!

Monday- I was at church in the nighttime with my family and there was a guy reading in his green truck and I was suspicious of him. I killed myself to see what he would do except I didn't die. And thend I shot him with a gun and he died.

Tuesday- I went to my high school, Magruder, which was newly renovated. And in the the school library was a piano, my old friend (M.C.) and some of his other friends. And we started talking. It was nice. I got in trouble because there was an iPod that was just sitting on a desk, and I picked it up because it was mine. I started playing piano and I was really, really good!

Wednesday- This one has got to be the most scariest dreams I've had this week. Here it is: I was out with my mom and sister and we were driving near this place with lots of brick buildings. The car stopped and we were all thrown out of the vehical. My mom was in pain so I cried. We crawled over near the pillars of the buildind and there were people walking around as if they were going to miss their train. Suddenly I'm at home with my sister. We have to get out of the house for some reason. And there are these green and blue things in front of the windows int he garage. And my sister says I have to stop moving for them to go away. Then I become tense, trying to keep still, and I have a difficult time breathing because a yellow one of those things is squeezing me. And while I'm sleeping I noticed that I was feeling uncomfortable and I had a hard time breathing. Then my sister took some metal thing and hit the yellow thing on the head and that's when I woke up.

I can't wait to see what happens tonight...

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