Friday, September 12, 2008

Right you are, friend.

Thank you for the crumbly piece of sweet happiness the other day. You really are “like fkn Santa Clause.” And it seems like Santa Clause has a little secret, wink wink.

Anyway, these have been the most amazing weeks of my life.
All my classes are very stimulating. I love my life right now.
These have been the most amazing weeks of my life, minus coming home.

Question of the day: Why oh whyyy do you, Leopold, have to be so meddlesome and ruin a clear day, everyday for everyone? Dare I say prying… And along with the whole nosy part, you seem to have a tight hold on things. Just let it go like you do with yourself, though you do not put yourself out there half the time.

Some days, such as recently, you have been fine and sunny. Such warm weather brings comfort. But today and yesterday it seems a lot of water has been condensed and turned into a storm. Not just any storm, there was lightning and thunder! I hope you don't get too sick. But God's sake, learn to bring a freakin' umbrella and protect yourself from this force you constantly deny to feel! You've been around for so long you dumb lard, why don’t you just fess up.

Oh and learn to start days off with a clean state and trust me, you'll feel a lot better and will not think about letting out thunder. Learn the routine. Yes, the clouds are always whispering to each other, but why do you pretend you’ve never heard them whisper? You don’t usually act this skeptical and paranoid. It really ties a knot in my neck when you question like those skeptics that are my flowers in a field, when the fact is the clouds were not slandering you at all. They were just minding their own business and attending this niche.

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