Monday, September 29, 2008


"Your friends and companions may seem a bit dour or depressed right now, but that does not mean you have to be moping around down in the dumps yourself. You can get out on your own for a little distracting fun or a special treat and that will boost your mood.""

That is amazingly true. Freakin' awesome! The past few days, I've been noticing these dour qualitities in people around me, particullarilly one person. But I don't see them in real life. I just talk to them online. But then again I don't really know what's going on in their life than what I could know if I ever saw this person in real life. And also, the way we speak in real life is no comparison to us talking to someone on the phone or online. Especially online when you can't literally even hear their voice. Yes, writers have a voice and we use connotation every day. But everything someone can say can be precieved in different ways. It's just amazing that there are so many possibilities that we can never fully grasp.

So the car ride or bike ride... or train ride, OR WHATEVER!, through life is going very smooth. I'm stumbling across minor bumps every now and then, but overall things are going absolutely amazing. I got a 4, the highest possible grade for a BCR in Biology, for my unit test. And I got an 100% (A) on my French quiz. Today was a half day and tomorrow there is no school! That is exciting. And today is even better because HEROES IS ON TONIGHT!!! I AM STOKED. Oh and Pajama day is today.

Labels seem useless. I don't know what I keep doing them. So from tomorrow onwards I will not fill in the "Labels for this post" section. I don't know why I said tomorrow onwards when I could very well start today but I don't care. (:

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