Saturday, August 30, 2008

Offically PO'ed

OMGGG! URGH. I've reached a certain point of hate for my sister ever sine the chocolate incident. I'm so much better at violin than her. She's not a good teacher. There are so many simple ways to say things and she's always saying the complicated way. She doesn't believe that I can do things on my own. She doesn't know how to accept that fact that we are human. Humans make mistakes. We don't know everything and sometimes we have error in our thinking. It's human. Why can't she effing understand that. She's such a crumby, hack. She drives me up the effing way, freaking out. She tells me to do stuff that is easier for me to follow through with without making mistakes. Then when she sees what I have done, she flips out because it isn't what she expected and because she gets confused. Then she criticizes me. And in her argument, she tries to think up of anything to prove her point. And it's all over a little thing. She's way too serious and not fun. She's too much of a bitch. She brings things like being an artist and having creativity into a situation that has in no way, any relation to what we're talking about.

But it's fine now. I've decided and accepted that there are two kinds of people in the world. One: People who are always hot and nauseated all the time, that they being angry for no reason, and who let little things get to them. Then two: People who are cold, try to fit in, and just do whatever to get the spotlight off of themselves. Whenever when I'm with my sister I always end up feeling bullied at the end. It might start off smoothly, but then it just goes down and down. My hate for her keeps growing. I don't know how to stop it. That's why I try to stay away from her and not talk to her. My mouth is practically bleeding from holding all these things in while I'm in the midst of her. And I thank God for blogger and other sites where one can rant about the same thing over and over again, eventually establishing and making it fact that the truth drives one up the wall, and that what one is saying in fact, is true.

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