Thursday, July 31, 2008


I'm not doing so well with my goals. I only carried out like 5 of them. I wish I was persistent, then maybe I would get somewhere. I wish I were confident. You either have it or you don't. I feel those boosts of confidence I have sometimes, is just my ego blowing up in my face. I wish I could control it because nothing ends of happening, and I can easily come off as a pretentious jerk. I have to say, I'm a bit skeptical when people say, "If I can do this, I can do anything!" We all do it. But really? Like going on a scary roller coaster and then jumping off a building. You can't even compare those two things. But with God you can do anything. When I say "If can do this, I can do anything" I feel its true, most of the time, if I have complete faith in myself and God. Not that jumping off a building is good and I would never do that. Sadly there are people in the world who do that, and they are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh and,

That scares me.

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