Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Reoccuring sadness

I almost broke my camera. Thank God it didn't break. I call this: Conceited.

I edited this with PSP 8. It took me like 10 minutes. It was fun. :) Yesterday I had all these sweet baby angels of the internet, help me. They answered all my questions! Amazing people.

Wow. So I was really sad, almost depressed in the past weeks. Then BAM! Out of nowhere I decided to be happy. Still the reoccuring thought sprouts in the garden inside my head. Am I truly happy or am I just trying to convince myself? I don't want to lie to myself. But it feels like I'm happy. I'm just REALLY lonely. Note the caps on lonely. But for some odd reason, I feel it's okay. I mean, GET REAL, it's nothing new. I am like a dart. I am yellow, signifying happiness, on the inside. And I am gray, signifying lonliness, thick, around the yellow. I have so much to offer but I need someone to share it with. Then it goes back to sharing it with my family but I want someone else to share it with. Besides my family.

Blink 182, I love them, but they're songs make me very nostalgic, and it makes me miss people. Like Travis. I haven't talk to him in almost a month. It's pretty sad but I don't feel anything. That's probably because of the gap between us.

So my status on facebook is: "Why is the summertime lonely and boring?" Few minutes later my friend asks, "Well, if summer is so lonely and boring, why don't you hang out with someone?" How do I tell all my friends that I can't. My parents are at work. When I'm lonely and bored I complain about being lonely and bored. But I never do anything effective to fix it.

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